Colourful images of Leamington's thriving street artColourful images of Leamington's thriving street art
Colourful images of Leamington's thriving street art

In pictures: Colourful images of Leamington's thriving street art - and where to find them

Art has long been at the heart of Leamington's cultural scene.

Various festivals have brought much colour to our streets - some literally.

Many of the murals you can now see on our walls are thanks to Brink Contemporary Arts. From that group, Tim Robottom (whose street art name is Lord Numb) and fellow artist MIG 29 have been behind many of the beautiful designs around town, mainly in the Old Town canal area.

The duo recently created The Lady of Shrubland Street (painted in large part by Gordon Landsburgh), opposite Shrubland Street Community Primary School on the gable-end wall of a terraced house. Click here to read our article on this.

We took a walk around the town to enjoy our varied and colourful street art - something you can do too, thanks to Leamington's Street Art Trial's guide which you can view by clicking here.

Here are some of our highlights.

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